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Location, location, location

I have decided to go with horror as my genre of choice for the film. I can definitely pull it off, and I have an idea on where to film it. There's a park near where I live, called Markham Park and thanks to Hurricane Irma, the forest in that park is all mangled up and dilapidated with trees knocked over and torn apart everywhere you look. Giving the forest a look that it's been abandoned and forgotten about, and has long since fallen into a state of decay.

The visual aspect of my video is going to be perfect inside that rotted forest. I can now see the shots for my intro. Of knocked over trees, broken branches, of possible wildlife. Having filmed in those woods in the past I know that audio shouldn't be a problem either. The forest is filled with natural sounds like birds singing, crickets chirping, and branches snapping. All coming together to help make the film more engrossing overall. I genuinely can't think of anything wrong with the location I've picked for my film.


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